Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wonderful Life?

Hi All,
It is 6pm Sunday and I am happy to announce that I am finally succeeding in losing weight.  I am the lightest I have been in 3 years!  I had lost another pound when I weighed myself this morning at Sheldon's house.

I have had an interesting weekend, Sheldon's ex-wife had a holiday party last night for all the foster kids they have taken in over the years.  She specifically invited me and I was honored to be included.  It was a lively group and my eyes were opened as they usually are when you meet someone in person that you have been hearing about for months.  Sheldon commented later on how quiet I was, but there was little for me to say and it was quite entertaining watching all of the boys telling stories on each other and cracking themselves up.

Today Sheldon finally made me sit through "It's a Wonderful Life".  He couldn't BELIEVE that I had never seen it (you probably can't either) as it is one of his all time favorite movies.  He has been quoting lines from it to me the whole time I have known him.  Most of the movie is sad and dark, dreams deferred, dreams lost, etc.  I couldn't believe that it was a Christmas movie, much less that it was his favorite.  In the end, of course, everything comes out all right and George realizes how lucky he is...but personally I still feel sorry for him.  Sheldon compares me to George and says that I am wealthy in friends if not in dollars, and although I appreciate every single one of my friends, I won't be asking them to help me pay my mortgage, ya know?

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