Monday, December 15, 2008

Thornton, Arkansas

Hello My Friends,
As you know I have been sending clothes and housewares and coats and books to Thornton, Arkansas for several years now. Every time I send a shipment I get the most wonderful thank you notes from Miss JoAnn. They make you laugh and cry all at once. Usually they are 2-3 pages so I have never typed them up for you, this one however was less than one page, so I decided to retype it for you here. I have typed it exactly the way she did. Many of you have donated to her already so this note is for you too! The last shipment that she is referring to is all the Weekenders samples that I sent down. It was several thousand dollars worth of brand new clothes in various sizes.
She thinks I do too much, but I never feel like I do enough. She is in her 80's and has been taking care of this town for more than 50 years. I ship boxes down every single month, sometimes one, sometimes twenty or more, if I have gotten lots of donations. If you have anything you'd like to give, baby clothes, school supplies, winter coats, shoes, boots, mittens, scarves, canned or boxed food, sheets, towels, kitchen items, clothes, socks, books, magazines, ANYTHING and you'd like me to ship it, feel free to bring it to me. If you would like to ship it yourself and get your own thank you note, her address is JoAnne Cayce Charities, 315 South Second Street, Thornton, Arkansas 71766.


Dear Sarah,
I have so much to thank you for, I don't know where to start. We got the packages mailed and everything you mailed us. We love and thank you so. We also got so many things sent by you over the period we have known you to thank you for that it makes us weep to think how you have given of your self and finances to our people. We will give away This Saturday in two days and watch the people grab and cry. We got everything you mailed us and do thank you. I feel you do too much but you are so giving and sweet I can't seem tell you not to hurt yourself.

Thank you for everything. The give away will be this Saturday and we are so busy getting ready we had to ask the people NOT to call unless it was an emergency. The school supplies and every thing else is almost ready inside the gym. The Supplies will be given outside from big trucks to kids and parents and grandparents. The kids will go wild.

You are so good to us and we appreciate everything you have done and all your concern. We are so proud of everything. Daniel left for college but will be home for the weekend and he will be so happy that the school supplies are finished and as much as is all ready. He will have to pick up some donations and take them to gym. I have tried to get babies clothes for newborns ready and get them delivered before they are all gone. Some babies are here and some due this week. We try to help those who can't come and are expecting.

Daniel is so happy he got to sort and fix as many things before he left as he did. He took off one day and went fishing. He got huge cat fish and he dressed them til he gave out an then took the rest to the poor. He got from 6 to 12 lbs fish. He could hardly drag some of them in they were so big. I cooked them before he left and he ate til he was filled and we all did, with fries, salad and hush pupplies.

I love you and thank you,
JoAnn Cayce

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